Friday 26 August 2016

Competition for limited resources

In Organization resources are always limited and employees has to work with such scarcity. They have to compete for Time, Money, Space, Materials, Supplies, and Equipment, etc. Competition for any of these resources will inevitably lead to interpersonal and interdepartmental conflict. 

In organization people are from different background, place, region, state, country, culture, gender, status, etc, then this management has to manage not only diversity but also the competition for limited resources.

Human tendency is to find out homogeneous group. They try to form the group which belongs to their habits, region, gender, etc. Such condition start grouping in the organization and it creates problem to the management.

The good thing about competition is that if it is in positive sense then it helps in organizational growth but if it is in negative sense then organization may lose its talent and ultimately will survive for its existence. 

Diverse people will involve in healthy competition is the responsibility of the management. Equal opportunity to all will make better environment for competition.


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